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2020-03-18 19:55 性质:转载 作者:港口装卸机械 来源:港口装卸机械
星期三早上,一架1.65米长的无人艇也被称为无人船(USV)。名为Echo.1的USV专门用于测量水深,可以连续工作长达六个小时而没有排放。A 1.65-meter-long water...


A 1.65-meter-long water drone, also known as unmanned surface vehicle (USV), was christened on Wednesday morning. The USV named Echo.1 is dedicated to measure water depth and can work continuously for up to six hours without emissions.

经济事务参议员Michael Westhagemann和汉堡港务局(HPA)董事总经理Jens Meier,HPA Hydrography的Rike Verheye为这架黄色的无人船命名。

Senator for Economic Affairs Michael Westhagemann and Jens Meier, Managing Director of the Hamburg Port Authority (HPA), Rike Verheye from the HPA Hydrography christened the yellow drone.


According to HAP, Echo.1 will be able to travel up to six hours at a time in the harbor to improve the understanding of the water depths and provide information about the condition of the quay walls. With its length of only 1.65 meters, the drone can also explore areas that were previously difficult to reach.


There is no captain on board, but sonar, cameras and satellite signals navigate the USV. The course of the USV is monitored on land using a monitor, said Meier. "We are testing autonomous driving on the water here in real operation. To do this, we want to get the port customers used to the fact that such vehicles are in the port here between the normal ships with human captains."

测试已于2019年8月开始。“无人船已迅速发展为高度复杂的技术系统,在不久的将来,无论是在空中还是在水上,无人船都将承担许多有用的任务,” Westhagemann说。港口船长约尔格·波尔曼(JörgPollmann)也自信地表示:“我相信,目前可能还不熟悉的汉堡港自动驾驶汽车的这种景象将很快成为常态,'echo.1'不会长期独自运行。” 另一架价值7万欧元的无人船也将紧随其后。

Tests had started in August 2019. "Drones have rapidly developed into highly complex technical systems that will take on many useful tasks in the near future - in the air and here on the water," said Westhagemann. Harbor captain Jörg Pollmann also expressed himself confidently: "I am sure that this, perhaps currently still unfamiliar, sight of an autonomously driving vehicle in the port of Hamburg will soon become normal and 'echo.1' will not remain alone for long." Another drone for 70,000 euros is to follow.


The USV solution is from the combined work of OceanAlpha and Kongsberg.




